Wednesday 7 September 2011

September is the new January

I was listening to the radio the other day (I think it was September 1st) when the presenter's guest did something amazing. She reflected my own thoughts almost to the letter.

She was musing on the idea that September is a time for new starts.

How true. September is the start of the new academic year. As a proud father, it's my pleasure to be tooting around looking for new items my children will need in school this year. An expensive hobby, but a good one. They themselves feel another year older, new subjects, teachers, for my eldest, her first year at High School.

September marks the end of the summer, the holiday period is over. A new season begins and we shed our T shirts for something a little warmer.

Life gets underway again.

As a reader of this newsletter I imagine you may be considering quitting smoking. People say to me all the time - 'I think I will wait until January, a new start, a new year.'

Very often I do not hear from those people again. It is an excuse to put off quitting brought on by the fear of doing so.

So why not let September be your new January?

Good luck and we hope to see you soon.